Month: February 2023

Can you clean air purifier filters instead of replacing them? Is it really necessary to buy new air purifier filters?

Air purifiers keep your home clean and healthy. However, it’s easy to forget about adequate, frequent air purifier maintenance. Sometimes the equipment that cleans our houses needs to be cleaned as well! Cleaning your air purifiers on a regular basis increases their longevity and retains their best performance. But is it necessary to replace the filters …

Should I use the ionizer on my air purifier?

Air purifiers significantly improve air quality. If you use air purifiers, you may have come across a feature known as an ionizer. But what exactly is an ionizer? Are ionic air purifiers safe to use? And should you invest in a product that has one? Keep reading “Should I use the ionizer on my air purifier?” …

Do air purifiers work for allergies?

The air purifier is a powerful machine that filters out everything that is larger than 0.3 microns in size from the air. But what does it mean for your allergies? It means an air purifier can help you completely with your allergies because it can trap all the potential airborne allergens inside it. In addition to …