How to Avoid Pollen Allergy?

Pollen is one of the biggest spring allergy triggers. Trees, grasses, and weeds can release the tiny grains and pollen into the air to fertilize other plants. However, the pollen it releases is the cause of serious problems for the allergic people. Then we give you good guide to know How to avoid pollen allergy. Let’s …

How to clean your carpets?

Today, it is common that you have a visit to a furniture department in some random store. Then, you quickly fall in love with a pretty and lovely carpet. You dream to have it in your beautiful living room, right? But just the thought of cleaning it make you stay away. Well, not just you don’t …

What are some best ways to clean the air?

Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, the quality of the air you breathe will have a big impact on your health. Everyone knows that they can live without air in about 5 minutes, and air pollution is now the top crisis. Studies have tied poor outdoor air quality to lung cancer, strokes and heart disease. In fact, air …

How to know if you have dust mites?

Do you know what the difference is between “dust” and “dust mites?” And how to know if you have dust mites in your home? If you don’t know the answer, Breathe Quality will tell you one thing: Most people don’t actually know what are dust mites and many think that these critters are the same thing as …