What are some best ways to clean the air?

Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, the quality of the air you breathe will have a big impact on your health. Everyone knows that they can live without air in about 5 minutes, and air pollution is now the top crisis. Studies have tied poor outdoor air quality to lung cancer, strokes and heart disease. In fact, air pollution causes 3.3 million deaths worldwide each year, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicated directly that the air inside your home is typically even more polluted than the air outside, and can be up to 100 times. And research shows we 90% of our time indoors, which is another reason to find the best ways to clean our indoor air.

So what are some best ways to clean the air? This is the reason why you are here, to answer this question. In this article, we’ll answer for you.

Breathe Quality Tips & Tricks

Why you need to clean air?

There is a tons of reasons your indoor air can be polluted. Some sources can release the pollutants continuously, and therefore damage your health as long as they are in your home. Here are some sources of pollutants will make you know why you need to clean air.

1, Carpets

Carpets are very common in homes and offices. They generally have 2 problems. Carpets always emit some types of VOCs through a process known off-gasing, especially when first installed. Also, carpets are the best place to trap the contaminants like smoke, dust, dust mites and even pet hair, pet dander inside. These pollutants can cause bacterial growth and foul odors.

2, Electronic products

Electronic equipment present in offices (i.e. computers, printers, photocopiers) has been reported to emit vari-able quantities of VOCs, carbonyl compounds and par-ticulate matter. Source apportionment for the majority of these compounds in modern offices is quite difficult due to the variety of emitting sources.

3, Kitchen equipment

Cooking equipment like gas stove can produce carbon monoxide as a by-product. Carbon monoxide is a primary cause for headaches and sustained fatigue. Another by-product that gets generated during cooking is nitrogen dioxide, which causes respiratory problems and inflammation in eyes, nose or throat.

4, New painted walls

Interior wall paints are recognized as a significant source of VOCs in the indoor environment. The main indoor air quality concern from paints is the release of total volatile organic chemicals (TVOCs), many of which are irritants or odorants, and can present other toxic exposure concerns. Actual chemicals released by paints depend on their chemical formulation. They are the major cause of headaches and nausea

5, Pet Dander

Your pets are the most reason to cause a feeling of discomfort or trigger allergic reactions such as asthma and respiratory problems in your home. While pet hair and pet odor are trapped in your furniture and clothes, the pet dander can cause serious allergy issues.

6, Pesticides and other Chemicals

The chemicals we use to kill household insects and fungi also cause air pollution, especially if you don’t clean or ventilate properly after using. The chemicals can easily stay airborne and cause a number of allergies, especially affecting eyes, nose and throat.

7, Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Chemicals and smoke particles of smoking cigars and cigarettes remain in the air for a long time. We are aware of the health hazards caused by smoking, but secondhand smoke is something equally dangerous for health and can cause heart diseases and lung cancers.

What are some best ways to clean the air?

The best ways to clean the air in your home are here. Read on for some tips on improving your indoor air quality without the use of chemicals.

1, Open your windows

It’s the most simple to improve your indoor air quality. This will help ventilate the pollute air in your home with fresh air outside. Remember that you should not open your windows in case you are using an air purifier or if the neighborhood outdoor environment is polluted as well. This happens when you are living in urban areas, near the highway or factories.

2, Have indoor plants

Having indoor houseplants can help improve indoor air quality significantly. Some houseplants are effective at reducing benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. Remember that your houseplants are still a good environment for bad insects, so you need to use some non-toxic chemicals to help fight with these insects. As a greener option, consider making your own household cleaners using ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, citrus juice or essential oils.

3, Take your shoes off

The reason why you should take your shoes off is because of the dirt outside can carry some really yucky stuff: pesticides, pollen, fungi, bacteria or feces. When you walk inside your house, any or all of that could be on the bottom of your shoes, so it’s best to take them off when you get inside.

4, Use an air purifier

Air purifiers are the best way to help you clean the air. The high-end air purifiers can filter up to 99.97% of contaminant particles down to 0.3 microns. These devices are also useful by removing smells and odors and ventilating the air flows in your home.

List of best air purifiers

5, Get rid of mold

This fungus releases spores into the air that can trigger allergy symptoms. It likes to grow in dark, damp places, such as your bathroom, laundry room and basement. There are many ways to deal with mold. Read more in Do air purifiers work for mold?

Above are several best ways to clean the air in your home. We highly suggest you are using an air purifier right now to save your air quality. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask us in Breathe Quality.

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